Bird List 6/5/2024

It was a toasty day for a bird walk: Clear, calm, warm, 68 at 0700 and 93 at 1045.
We had 14 birders.

We logged 43 species.
Notables: Blue-gray gnatcatcher and Lucy’s warbler (both continuing); Yellow-rumped warbler; Lark sparrow (4); Bell’s vireo (6).
High counts: House finch (29); Hooded oriole (14); Bewick’s wren (12); Phainopepla (12); California towhee (12); Lesser goldfinch (11); Anna’s hummingbird (10).

Mammals: Mule deer; California ground squirrel; Desert cottontail (again including a quite young one).
Reptiles: Side-blotched lizard; Western fence lizard; Western whiptail lizard. And also: San Diegan legless lizard; Gopher snake.
Butterflies: 21 species;