Bird List 7/17/2024

We had 14 birders and logged 49 species.
Conditions: sunny, calm (a very occasional breeze) and hot. It was 71 degrees at 0700 and 92 degrees at 1015.

Notables: Red-shouldered hawk; Western tanager; Lazuli bunting; male Hooded oriole tending nest in palm tree on Marsh Trail; really good look at Great horned owl (see photo in Kate’s ebird posting).
High counts: House finch (32); Yellow warbler (23); Lesser goldfinch (20); Hooded oriole (17); California scrub-jay (11); California towhee (11); Bewick’s wren (10).

Mammals: Mule deer; Desert cottontail; California ground squirrel.
Lizards: Spiny, Fence, Whiptail and Side-blotched.
Butterflies: Lorquin’s admiral; Queen; Western tiger swallowtail.