Bird List 6/26/24

Conditions: Clear, hot, 77 at 0700 and 94 at 1015.
We had 14 birders and logged 43 species.

Notables: Great blue heron; Wrentit; Blue-gray gnatcatcher; Western tanager.
High counts: Lark sparrow (25!!, mostly at Geeson Field); Lesser goldfinch (21);
House finch (20); Hooded oriole (16); Yellow warbler (14); Gambel’s
quail (13); Anna’s hummingbird (13).

Mammals: California ground squirrel; Desert cottontail; Mule deer.
Reptiles: Side-blotched lizard; Western fence lizard; Western whiptail lizard. Also: Red racer.
Due to a dearth of lepidopterists, we did not identify most of the butterflies we
saw, save Queen and Lorquin’s admiral.